Hodie est...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


fuimus Troes, fuit Ilium et ingens gloria Teucrorum...

Vergil Aeneid II:325-6


THE Eric said...

Does this thing work? Hi everyone, this is THE eric, here to say hi.

Mr. Awesome said...

Hi everybody! I'm Mr. Awesome! Hey, the eric! What's up?

THE Eric said...


Hello all you silly seventh graders

THE Eric

P.S. Hello to Mr. Awesome

Chris Ann Matteo said...

This is cool.

To write this in Latin, or, the 'general sentiment.' You would assert:

Eric sum! Eric Ipse! [I'm Eric...[yes] The Eric Himself!]

Salvete! Quid agetis omnes? [Howdy! What are you all up to?]

Salvete, iuvenes fatuī! Quomodo sentitis? [Hello you silly youngsters! How are you (feeling) today?]

Eric, using the comments is a COOL idea...we should brainstorm about how to popularize it and GET STUDENTS WRITING IN LATIN (preferably)!

Dr. Matteo