Latin at Stone Bridge High School Our Motto — dignitas pietasque
Latin at Stone Bridge High School
Our Motto — dignitas pietasque
felis domu longe abest. "The cat was [absent] a long way from home." --Derekcasus aetatis. "Adventure of a Lifetime." -- Markinsanus felis invenitur in Tasmania. "Crazy Cat is found in Tasmania." -- Drewlascivius felis invenit iterem ad domum. "Frisky Feline Finds Way Home" -- Trent, Jon and Laurel
felis reddit ad domum "The cat returns home." -- Tannernovus Odysseus. "A New Odysseus." -- Meganfelicis iter. "A Cat's Journey." -- C.J.novus exemplar cerritus felis est. "Yet another Crazy Cat." -- Melissa
Felix felis. "Lucky Cat!" -- Antica [sounds a little bit like felix felicis]Ecce! Quid felis trahit! "Look, what the cat brought in!" -- JeanetteGlotta ridet. "Clyde Smiles!" -- BrinkleyEt nunc pro suus secundus dolus! "And now for my second/next trick!" -- MeganGlotta felis olim fugit quam reddit. "Clyde the cat ran away and then returned!" -- Michael
infans revenio. "I, the baby, return!"-- JohnLucifuga felis. "Sneaky Cat!" -- ZachCaput in nubes sed in terra quaeret amore. "Head in the clouds but on earth, searching for love." (about the world's tallest man) -- Elizafelis quae domiculum revenit. "A Cat that returns to his cottage." -- Sam P.Longus et magnus vir de Anatolia ad Britanniam it. "The tall and giant man goes from Turkey to England!" -- Nya
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felis domu longe abest. "The cat was [absent] a long way from home." --Derek
casus aetatis. "Adventure of a Lifetime." -- Mark
insanus felis invenitur in Tasmania. "Crazy Cat is found in Tasmania." -- Drew
lascivius felis invenit iterem ad domum. "Frisky Feline Finds Way Home" -- Trent, Jon and Laurel
felis reddit ad domum "The cat returns home." -- Tanner
novus Odysseus. "A New Odysseus." -- Megan
felicis iter. "A Cat's Journey." -- C.J.
novus exemplar cerritus felis est. "Yet another Crazy Cat." -- Melissa
Felix felis. "Lucky Cat!" -- Antica [sounds a little bit like felix felicis]
Ecce! Quid felis trahit! "Look, what the cat brought in!" -- Jeanette
Glotta ridet. "Clyde Smiles!" -- Brinkley
Et nunc pro suus secundus dolus! "And now for my second/next trick!" -- Megan
Glotta felis olim fugit quam reddit. "Clyde the cat ran away and then returned!" -- Michael
infans revenio. "I, the baby, return!"-- John
Lucifuga felis. "Sneaky Cat!" -- Zach
Caput in nubes sed in terra quaeret amore. "Head in the clouds but on earth, searching for love." (about the world's tallest man) -- Eliza
felis quae domiculum revenit. "A Cat that returns to his cottage." -- Sam P.
Longus et magnus vir de Anatolia ad Britanniam it. "The tall and giant man goes from Turkey to England!" -- Nya
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