Hodie est...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


From NYTimes Potlatch Article, 16 December 2008



THE Eric said...

An interesting philosophical point. Of course, that question could be taken literally, in which the answer would be no. Gift giving is the process of acquiring some commodity and presenting it to someone. This may be free of charge or have strings attached. People may perceive gift giving as one of the above things, but that is a perception which you may discuss in a debate. In that case the information you hear about is not reliable until you see it written down somewhere. The case in point, though, is the tendency of people to put their own perceptions on things that are quite different than those perceptions.

Chris Ann Matteo said...

Latin 2 captions:

bracchius pro non consumo. (Gingerbread Couple)

cedo. ('Truce' Cat & Mouse)

celer! ad valetudinarium! ('Quick! To the hospital! -- Entangled Couple)

Nemesis. ('Revenge/Justice' in Greek--Boxers)

laetus dies natalis! ('Merry Christmas!'--catapult)

Chris Ann Matteo said...

Latin 3

Id est quidtu rogas pro? ("Is this what you asked for?)

Certamen, ars, aut signum affeci? Donum est occultus. (The value of the gift is in the perception of it.)

dona in bello. (Gifts in war...catapult)

Tu indiges manu? (Need a hand? Gingerbread Couple)

mus istum caseum venetatum non intellegit. (The mouse doesn't know this is poisoned cheese.)

Quo modo usu meus surculus ictus. (How about my sucker punch?--boxers)

materia in cacumen caesi non filum erat, morte mucore est. (The stuff on top of the cheese isn't string, it's a mold!)

Chris Ann Matteo said...

Laqueus est!("It's a trap!"--Cat and Mouse)

Dare est monstrare amoris! (To give is to show love!--The central idea)

Minime! vero tu debes non facere! (No really you shouldn't have--The gingerbread couple)

"Vix parvum donum, nihil magnum" inquit Caecilius acerbe. ("Just a little something, nothing big" said C. sarcastically"--catapult)

Pronest lentus situs--(This is a sticky situation--twisted couple)

Tribuo benevolus optimus ultio est("Giving well is the best revenge"--Boxers)