Hodie est...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Quondam Abes :: a.d. quint. dec. Kal. Oct.

Secunda (2nd) / Latin II

I. INCIPIT. Roman Date.

A. Princetoniensis = College Jersey Day. The Princeton Shield and Motto. Yale, Harvard, Brown, &.c
B. Pomegranates and fertility myths.

III. OTIUM: Roman Mysteries 1.1 (Vesuvius)

Tertia (3rd) / Latin III

I. INCIPIT. Roman Date.

A. Princetoniensis = College Jersey Day. The Princeton Shield and Motto. Yale, Harvard, Brown, &.c
B. Friday grammar. Participles, esp perfect passive participles. Stage XXI, p. 12/E # 1, 3, 5

III. OTIUM: Roman Mysteries 1.1 (Vesuvius)

Quarta (4th) / Latin IV α (alpha)

I. INCIPIT. Princetoniensis.

II. "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down" Joan Baez, 1971 (cover of The Band, Robbie Robertson)

II. Exegesis. "Virgil Caine," Vergil & Cain - Abel; two songs of war -- patriotism or protest? Wonderful insights, esp Zach, Jeremy, Brianna. Incantations.

III. Guided Reading at the Promethean. Aen I.1-12.

III. OTIUM. La Boheme, Pente, Building the Colosseum.

Quinctia (5th) / Latin V β (beta) and AP Vergil

To be updated.

See latinstonebridge-advanced.blogspot.com

Octavia (8th) / Latin I

To be updated.

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