Hodie est...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Quondam Abes :: ante diem quintum Idus Septembres et ante diem quartum Idus Septembres et ante dies quartum Idus Septembres: Ludi Romani

Secunda (2nd) / Latin II

I. Pons Saxeus. Quid ago? (What should I do...?) Quondam Abes Demonstration. Roman Calendar Review.
II. Libri. CLC Blue / Stored in Classroom
III. Return Dracones. 5-point Rubric; Letter Grades and County Scales.
IV. Stage XIII: Model Sentences 1.

Tertia (3rd) / Latin III

I. Pons Saxeus. Quid ago? (What should I do...?) Quondam Abes Demonstration. Roman Calendar Review.II. Libri. CLC Green / Checked Out to Students
III. 5-point Rubric; Letter Grades and County Scales.
IV. Unseen Passage, "Portia and the Three Caskets.
A. Oral Presentation ll 1-7
B. Comprehension Questions, ll 1-3
C. Translatio ll 5-7 (final sentence of the paragraph)
V. Promethean Demonstration, "Reading with Anticipation."
A. quid video? ---> what do I see? (part of speech)
B. quid habeo? ---> what do I have? (function, parsing)
C. ergo, quid exspecto? ---> therefore, what do I exspect? (structure the possibilities of a
Latin sentence)

Quarta (4th) / Latin IV α (alpha)

I. Vigiles! We have our Fire Drill!II. Return Ovid, Metamorphoses Book 6: Arachne and Minerva "Change" prompts. Guided Reading of Latin text via Alpheios and the Latin Library had to be postponed.
III. Pons Saxeus. Quid ago? (What should I do...?) Quondam Abes Demonstration. Roman Calendar Review.
IV. Libri. CLC Purple / Checked Out to Students

Quinctia (5th) / Latin V β (beta) and AP Vergil

See latinstonebridge-advanced.blogspot.com

Octavia (8th) / Latin I

I. Pons Saxeus. Quid ago? (What should I do...?) Quondam Abes Demonstration. Roman Calendar Review.
II. The Macron ὁ μακρόν Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū . Semi-vowels: Y (Υ υ); I before another vowel = "J"
III. Cerberus (CLC I Stage I)
IV. Reading with Expectation.
A. quid video? ---> what do I see? (part of speech)
B. quid habeo? ---> what do I have? (function, parsing)
C. ergo, quid exspecto? ---> therefore, what do I exspect? (structure the possibilities of a
Latin sentence)

LEVELS I-IV on the dock for Monday and Tuesday: be ready for syllabi, vocabulary building, OTIUM projects, Friday Grammar/culture weekly planning.

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